Happy Humpday, party people! We’re zeroing in on D-Day (delivery day) and we’ll be scooping up Jamie at the airport before we know it. Of course this week is crawling at a snail’s pace, but life is good! Crawling or not, I know Friday will get here.
Here’s a slice of our lives from the last 10 days or so!
Just for kicks and giggles, I’m wondering if anyone can empathize with me on this. I decided a long time ago that cleaning Hadley’s convertible carseat tops the list as my least favorite parenting chore. (First world problems.) Taking this thing apart and putting it back together is such a beast though! I took this picture before I took it apart last week so that I would remember how it looked in case I ran into trouble putting it back together, and sure enough I was glad I did! I take out and wash her carseat every few months, and I loathe it every time. Notice the dogs sniffing it! Ew… they know there’s surely some mysterious food that’s about to come tumbling out once I take it apart!
Both my sister Jennifer and my friend Jessica have some of their baby essentials organized in these clear shoe holders, and I need to jump on the bandwagon! My sister sent me this picture the other day, so I figured I would share this idea for any mamas looking for ways to store bathroom items. Pretty handy! PS – Less than eight weeks until I’m an aunt!
These little munchkins are so not amused by being posed to take a picture! There were patio games just feet away that they were much more interested in. 🙂 One of the best parts of being in Alabama is getting to spend time with my high school friends (and now their kiddos, too!). I love it!
We also got to spend time with my college friend Lindsey last week and have a little library playdate! Fun morning catching up!
My energy levels have been up and down, so when my body demands rest I try to make sure it includes snuggle time with my little love.
Last Thursday my mom and I took Hadley to see Beauty and the Beast performed at one of the local high schools (James Clemens HS), and Hadley loved it! The singing, the dancing, the lights… she was fascinated by it all! We sat on the third row near the aisle in case we needed to leave quickly to run to the bathroom, and our seats worked out great because everything took place right in front of us. My mom found this chest of dress-up clothes at Costco a few months ago, and we figured this night was as good as any to bust it out and let her dress up for the play. 🙂
I would swear this little buddy knows there’s about to be a lot of change in his life. He’s been attached to me every second of every day lately. He had a big day at the groomer last week to get fancy and fresh before his daddy comes home, so he was a little worn out on this day. PS: According to the bill, his bath included a complimentary blueberry facial. #SpoiledRotten #MeNextPlease
More high school loves… can’t get enough of time with these friends. I think we could have sat at the restaurant and talked and laughed all.night.long. Timeless friends like these are so hard to come by.
Our one bump picture together! Savannah is due with her baby in September, and she just found out yesterday that it’s a GIRL! She’s going to be the very best mom, and her hubby Kyle is going be smitten over his girl! We’re so excited for you guys, Van!
Just enjoying a lazy Saturday morning playing with the dress-up chest for hours… literally. 🙂 Love this girly girl!
My friend Meg sent me this site full of pregnancy memes, and I was cracking up reading every one of them. If you know someone expecting, send this their way! They’re sure to relate. 😉
Yesterday we had so much fun visiting my high school and college friend Jennifer at school and stealing her lunch break! She’s one of the assistant principals at James Clemens (the high school we went to the play at) and she totally rocks at her job. Have you ever seen a prettier administrator?! So proud of this girl! Hadley had so much fun wandering around the halls among “the big kids” and checking everything out.
On Sunday morning I got a Snapchat message from one of my favorite blogging friends Kait congratulating me on being featured in the TODAY Food Club’s email newsletter. Confused, I quickly pulled up my blogging email account and found my Strawberry Pineapple Cake Balls featured! Not a big deal, but little stuff like this always gives me a little extra motivation to keep on creating. 🙂
Another great email I received this week: Submissions for #BlogHer16 Voices of the Year are now being accepted! I had never heard of this award before, but last year someone anonymously nominated one of my posts, and it was selected as a winner! I still have no idea who it was, but to this day I could just give that person a million hugs because the experience of attending BlogHer in NYC last July was one of the best of my life!

I still had to pay for my own travel expenses, but the conference ticket (valued at $499) was complimentary, and the experience was priceless. In a nutshell, whoever nominated me gave me a gift I will never forgot! I’m excited this year to pay it forward and plan to spend some time nominating some of my favorite bloggers and their work.
BLOGGERS! It’s also highly encouraged to nominate yourselves! Below are the categories. Only online work published between January 2015 – present day is valid. Click here to read more about the entry process and nominate yourself or your favorite blogger’s work!
You can find my #BlogHer15 recap posts here.
Hope you’re having a great week, friends! Thanks for reading!
Hi! I’m Erica, and I absolutely adore sharing my life on this website with you! I come here almost daily to blab about all of the things related to being a regular wife and mother in today’s ever-evolving society. I share about our new home, what’s on our kitchen table, what we’re hanging in our closets, where we’re traveling to next, my crazy 5 a.m. work outs, how I make time for girlfriends, our faith, and much more. We always have a lot of balls in the air and somewhat thrive on the chaos. I believe in the power of story-telling as a form of inspiration and entertainment, so I’m here to do both! I was born and raised in north Alabama and recently re-planted roots here again after my husband transitioned out of the Army (he is now in the Reserve and it’s going so well!) I’m a super proud mom to three little girls (ages 7, 4, and 1) who seem to be the stars of the show around here (for good reason – they’re pretty great!) I’m so glad you found me and are here reading! I hope we can get to know each other here on the blog as well as Facebook and/or Instagram. xoxo