Happy Easter weekend!
I have a few really sweet memories from Easter growing up. We almost always went to Good Friday service, which I remember, even as a kid, understanding the seriousness of Jesus dying on the cross, even though I didn’t comprehend the experience and meaning entirely until I was a bit older.
When we were young, my sister and I always had matching, pretty dresses. We had fun little Easter baskets but nothing overboard. I don’t remember ever anticipating getting anything big on Easter, and I hope to keep those expectations manageable with Hadley and Sadie too. 🙂 We would get together with my grandparents and cousins to have a meal and an egg hunt after church. One year it rained, so we did the egg hunt inside, and my dad hid the golden egg in the refrigerator. 🙂 Just sweet little memories that I hope we’re able to create with our own family too.
Excited to end another week with a slice of life and peak into a few things we’ve been up to lately.
Jamie’s getting ready to head out for another long training trip, so we decided to knock out some outdoor spring yard work early. We didn’t mulch last year since I was in Alabama having Sadie and Jamie was deployed, so our beds were way overdue. We laid 30 bags throughout the last week or so, and every time I lay mulch I remember how much I not-so-secretly like yard work. 🙂 It’s sometimes great exercise and fairly mindless, and the immediate, drastic difference makes me so happy! #dork
My sister is the cutest and surprised the girls with these little German treats this week! We convinced Hadley to share a bit of that German chocolate with us, and it was DELICIOUS. I’ve been missing my sister and niece lately, but the WhatsApp app has been so great for our communication with texting, talking on the phone, and face timing.
We’ve been dying lately over Sadie’s little mullet. That curl! Such a riot.
Last weekend was SO BANANAS. Oh my goodness. Our motto going in to the weekend was “divide and conquer”. It was filled with all super fun things, but working out the logistics of hopping from one thing to the next was a little nutty. Alas, it was fun! We started Saturday with Hadley’s first soccer practice. Before running out the door, I threw some frozen chicken in the crockpot with a bunch of salsa and turned it on high.
Jamie had taken Hadley early to complete registration stuff, so Sadie and I took a spontaneous selfie and headed out the door shortly after once I got her up from her nap. PS: Sadie gets to choose when to nap and wake up maybe one day a week. She’s always dragged from place and place and naps when she can. Second and third+ kids are resilient!
Didn’t get any pics at soccer because I was only there a few minutes before heading over to post for our battalion’s Spring Fling. Our company was in charge of games, so I took Sadie up there to set up while Jamie stayed back at soccer practice. He and Hadley met us up there after soccer, and Hadley had a total ball running around with the kids for a couple hours.
We didn’t get home until about 1:30, so we were famished! I shredded up the chicken, threw in some seasoning, and a hot, healthy lunch was thankfully ready to go.
The girls snoozed for a bit before the Landers came over last-minute to hang for the evening outside. It was such a gorgeous night, so we cranked up the music, ate on the trampoline (all eight of us – ha!), and just had a good time.
On Sunday, Jamie and I set our alarms for 6 a.m. because we knew we had to be out the door by 8. We spoke at all three services about our experience as life group leaders, and then after the third service Jamie took the girls home and I sprinted to my friend Sarah’s house for her Sip and See!
Quick selfie with Jamie after the third service. Between church and Army/FRG stuff, we’ve had to work together on a lot of stuff lately, and we have seriously loved it. We make a pretty darn good team, IMO. 🙂
I knew whatever I wore on Sunday needed to work for church and the Sip and See, so I threw on a bunch of my favorite things – one of my I wear constantly, (no wrinkling, doesn’t change shape, just perfect), (stretchy and the perfect amount of thickness), and my new Old Navy .
On Monday afternoon I was getting ready to take Hadley to dance when she walks into my bathroom and says “Mommy can I pwease where dis ta dance class?” She’d dug this little tutu out of her bins of play clothes, and even though she was already wearing a dance outfit with a sewn-on tutu, I couldn’t say no. Don’t say no when you can say yes, right? So we changed outfits and she got to wear this fun little skirt to dance.
I did another Hy-vee freezer meal class on Wednesday in preparation for Jamie to be gone, so since I wouldn’t be around for bedtime that night I got my snuggles in on the front porch while waiting for Jamie to get home. I’m so crazy about this little babe of mine and can’t believe she’ll be one on Tuesday!
And also… these . I’d had them in my Nordstrom wish list for probably a year waiting for the price to drop, so when it finally did, I grabbed them quick! They’re insanely comfy and pretty darn cute too. 🙂 No way I would take a selfie of myself in pjs, but you can click over to see the ! They’re still 33% off, and remember that Nordstrom always has free shipping and returns.
AND as of last week, I’m declaring them the best at customer service too. I accidentally shipped a dress to one of our old addresses (not realizing it until after it was delivered), and after trying for weeks to resolve the situation on my own by trying to get in touch with the owner (if there even is one), I finally called Nordstrom to see what they could do. They refunded every penny without question after seeing that I hadn’t shipped anything to that address in four years. Seriously… this was my mistake but they totally made it right. Shout out to Andre for being SO kind and helpful on the phone.
Finally, if you’re looking for a , here’s the very best one!
I hope you all have a beautiful weekend, and Happy Easter! Click here to read the story about the Resurrection of Jesus, if you’re interested. <3
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Hi! I’m Erica, and I absolutely adore sharing my life on this website with you! I come here almost daily to blab about all of the things related to being a regular wife and mother in today’s ever-evolving society. I share about our new home, what’s on our kitchen table, what we’re hanging in our closets, where we’re traveling to next, my crazy 5 a.m. work outs, how I make time for girlfriends, our faith, and much more. We always have a lot of balls in the air and somewhat thrive on the chaos. I believe in the power of story-telling as a form of inspiration and entertainment, so I’m here to do both! I was born and raised in north Alabama and recently re-planted roots here again after my husband transitioned out of the Army (he is now in the Reserve and it’s going so well!) I’m a super proud mom to three little girls (ages 7, 4, and 1) who seem to be the stars of the show around here (for good reason – they’re pretty great!) I’m so glad you found me and are here reading! I hope we can get to know each other here on the blog as well as Facebook and/or Instagram. xoxo