Hey friends! I hope your week is off to a nice, quiet start. 🙂 I’m typing this up on Sunday night, happy that the house is quiet and the girls are fast asleep.
Hadley is in this weird transitional phase where sometimes she naps and sometimes she doesn’t, and though the 6-7 p.m. hour is full of way more whining when she hasn’t napped, she’s almost always out cold by 7:15. It’s glorious!
This was Hadley last week at 4:30 on the 15 minute drive to dance class. She happily played straight through the afternoon but crashed within a couple minutes of hitting the road.
Sadie is also in the very beginning stages of transitioning to one long nap instead of two, so today she napped from 11 a.m. – 1:15 p.m. (after church and grocery shopping) and was dead tired by 6 p.m. I kept her entertained until 7, and then she didn’t make a peep when I laid her down. I love my girls fiercely, but one of my favorite times of the day is when they’re both peacefully asleep. 😉
I’m always happy when my week kicks off with a “Slice of Life”, and this week I’m tickled pink to be doing a giveaway! Many of you have probably heard of Senegence, but more specifically their product called LipSense! My friend Erica from my hometown in Alabama has been a consultant with them for 3.5 months and just landed her first company car this past week! Bananas! She asked if I’d review the product on my blog, and since I’d been intrigued by the product already, I was happy to snag a color and give it a go.
I told her that I’d love a color that I could wear everyday because many days I only wear minimal makeup. She sent me the start-up set, which included a color, gloss, and “oops” remover for any smudges that I get around my lips. She picked out “Aussie Rose” as my color, and it’s absolutely perfect for my lifestyle.
I tried it on as soon as I got, and it definitely tingled the first time I put it on. I’d heard that would happen the first few applications, but it hasn’t happened since. I took a few “on the go” pictures yesterday to document the color as I went about my day.
I put the lipstick on at 7:45 before church and then took this picture after grocery shopping around 11. Pretty, super subtle light pink color, which is exactly what I wanted for an everyday look. This is over three hours after application!
Ready for a super hilarious, awkward kissy photo?!
Here ya go! I took this picture a few hours later before running another errand because I really wanted you to be able to see the color. Take my word for it that I hadn’t retouched one time and had eaten breakfast, lunch, drank from water bottles, and given my kids a few kisses. 😉 The color stayed perfectly put. Not gonna lie – pretty dang impressed!
Again, this color is Aussie Rose. It’s subtle but pretty! It’s just enough color to keep my lips from looking dry or dull.
I already told Erica that I’ll be purchasing another color soon that’s a little more drastic and noticeable since we have lots of events coming up this summer. I also took my former favorite lip color out of my Nordstrom wish list because I’m quickly sold out to LipSense. This stuff stays all day! So nuts. Erica is giving away a starter kit valued at $55, so check out the bottom of my post to enter. Thanks, Erica! 🙂
Now onto more of what we’ve been up to. 🙂
Jack’s 4th birthday is in June, but since the Landers were moving, they wanted to go ahead and throw him a little party anyway. They opted for a Going-Away party at our local zoo, and the kids had so much fun!
Why does every kid love plastic food containers? Why buy toys?! Sadie found them a couple weeks ago, and I can’t keep her out of them! Jamie had just texted me asking how the girls were doing, so I sent him this picture so that he could get a real-life glimpse. 😉
Hadley got this doll for either her first or second birthday, but she’s been more into it lately than she ever was! It’s such a neat little doll. It’s designed to let kids practice zipping, buttoning, looping a buckle, and tying a bow. Very cute! |
I posted on Instagram last week about how one thing from the newborn stage that I always crave more of is when babies sleep on you. It’s Heaven. Jamie only got eight days with newborn Sadie before he had to go back overseas for two months, and I remember him laying on the couch all day every day letting her sleep on him during those eight days. He couldn’t get enough and wanted to soak that up as much as he could incase she was out of that stage by the time he got home. I snapped this picture recently after getting her out of the car but before transitioning her to her crib. One of the best feelings in the world.
I love listening to Hadley have full-fledged conversations with her friends nowadays.
Jack: “Hadley, do you wanna go to City Park with me?”
Hadley: “Yeah I do.”
Jack: “Okay.”
And I just looked at Meg and died that they had just made plans. I guess Meg told Jack that she was going to ask us to join them at the park after we picked them up from school, but Jack beat her to it. So funny!
On Friday, Meg and I slipped out for a while to enjoy a few hours of girl time before they hit the road to their next duty station yesterday. The weather was perfect and we had the best time hanging outside at our local, breathtaking winery reminiscing about the last 2.5 years. If you’re a regular around here, you know their family means everything to mine, so the “see ya later” was zero fun. We are confident that we still have many adventures to be had together, but it stinks that the chapter of doing regular life together is over. This aspect of military life is for the biiiiiirds. I hate it. Love ya big, Landers fam!
Had to share a quick pic of my niece Carly, just doing her thang exploring Germany with Jennifer and Josh. 🙂 They are doing such a good job transitioning to living overseas for a while. It hasn’t been a walk in the park but they’re rockin’ it. I miss this perfect little face so much but know they’re having a great time being the little wanderlusts they’ve always been. Psst… They went to Bora Bora three years ago as a big post-deployment trip, and I interviewed them about planning a trip like that at 25/26 years old. You can read it here. So jealous!
This weekend was a hot one, so we played and played and played outside for almost two days straight. I had to go out there Sunday afternoon to clean up for 30 minutes because I’m pretty sure half of the playroom was thrown around in different parts of our backyard. Between the water table, a new Paw Patrol sprinkler, the play house, and the trampoline, they had a ball!
It’s funny that Sadie is starting to “hold her own” when it comes to Hadley. She knows how to push Hadley’s buttons, and it cracks. me. up! Call me crazy, but I actually really like grocery shopping with the two of them when we’re able to snag one of these fun little “car” carts. They enjoy it so much, and I enjoy the entertainment. 🙂
Giveaway time!
Please use the Rafflecopter widget below to enter the LipSense giveaway. The only required option is to like Erica’s Facebook page. The rest of the options are extra entries. The winner will be announced on Wednesday’s blog post (May 10th). If you’d like to go ahead a purchase a color or two from Erica, you can contact her via her “Erica Knows Everlasting Lips” Facebook page.
Hi! I’m Erica, and I absolutely adore sharing my life on this website with you! I come here almost daily to blab about all of the things related to being a regular wife and mother in today’s ever-evolving society. I share about our new home, what’s on our kitchen table, what we’re hanging in our closets, where we’re traveling to next, my crazy 5 a.m. work outs, how I make time for girlfriends, our faith, and much more. We always have a lot of balls in the air and somewhat thrive on the chaos. I believe in the power of story-telling as a form of inspiration and entertainment, so I’m here to do both! I was born and raised in north Alabama and recently re-planted roots here again after my husband transitioned out of the Army (he is now in the Reserve and it’s going so well!) I’m a super proud mom to three little girls (ages 7, 4, and 1) who seem to be the stars of the show around here (for good reason – they’re pretty great!) I’m so glad you found me and are here reading! I hope we can get to know each other here on the blog as well as Facebook and/or Instagram. xoxo