Hey friends! Happy Tuesday to ya. 🙂
I have about an hour window to unwind for a little bit and share a slice of life with you, so let’s get to it!
One thing I love so much about living anywhere but the southeast (where we are happily moving back to by choice haha!) is that snow doesn’t shut down the city. I was running errands early last week when we got about 2-3 hours of moderate snowfall completely out of nowhere. It was so beautiful! I thought to myself how enjoyable it was that we could go about our day doing the things we wanted and needed to do, but still enjoy the snowfall too. Most of my family and friends are in the south, so I’ve been reminded for a month or so about all of the things that their snowfall has canceled and the inconveniences it’s caused. My opinion counts for nothing of course, but I really do think certain regions of the south should be “snow ready” with plows and such because they seem to see enough accumulation to warrant it. Anyone else? Great idea?! 🙂
Just my Sadie girl living her #littlesisterlife. She pressed her head up against the glass for a solid 10+ minutes last week watching Hadley during her gymnastics class. PS: Does anyone else have a kid in gymnastics and have a occasional heart attacks? Hadley moved up to a more “advanced” class (if you wanna call it that) that they said she was ready for, and seeing her attempt to do back flips on rings and flips forward over bars makes me so jumpy! Isn’t she still an toddler or something?! How do I have a child old enough and capable of doing these types of things? Hold me.
I may have gone 29.5 years hating coffee, but now, I LOVE IT. Ha! (Do you remember when I started attempting to like it a few months ago?) Even buying from Subscribe and Save, Jamie and I were flying through k-cups (holy dolla bills), so Jamie bought one of these . You’re technically supposed to put liners in them, but we don’t. We occasionally see a few little grounds floating around (maybe five little specs at most), but there are so few that we can’t taste them. We are now saving so much money on our coffee addiction! Obviously cleaning it out is an extra step you have to take instead of just throwing out the cup, but it’s been so worth it to save so much money! If coffee is fueling your household and you want to cut costs, grab and give it a whirl!
On Friday morning we had another little Panera breakfast date while the home inspection was going on. Being out of the house for four hours was rooooough. Rough, rough. Friday continued to be kind of a train wreck, so by the time evening rolled around all I wanted to do was plant myself on the couch with a glass of wine, cookie dough, and an episode of My 600 lb Life (ironic). Saturday was a better day though. More on the home inspection to fill you in on later!
Jamie and I woke up on our own around 6:30 Saturday morning, and I got the crazy idea to grab Hadley and take her to watch the sunrise. Jamie made me some coffee to-go while I grabbed a sleeping Hadley right out of bed and buckled her into her carseat. We drove to a near prairie hiking area about three minutes from our house and snuggled up in my Jeep’s trunk with blankets.
It was an awesome way to spend about 45 minutes uninterrupted with my girl. She knows what sunsets look like, but I wanted her to see what it looks like to actually watch the sun creep up over the horizon. As an adult, I am still transfixed by the beauty of this daily event.
Love my cutie pie and what a fun little buddy she’s becoming to me and Jamie.
There are two times I like taking the kids out to play in the snow: when it first falls and we’re all excited about it, and again when it’s above freezing and enjoyable to be out in (right before it’s gone). Ha! The girls agree with me actually. 😉
I took these pics in our backyard for fun as they explored.
After playing in the snow, they got on the trampoline and had a heyday breaking up a solid inch of ice. Monkey see, monkey do with putting the ice in their mouths. 🙂 About five minutes after this picture was taken, they were both in tears suddenly really cold and ready to go in. Jamie helped me corral them, do an early bath time, and relax for the evening. Always feels good to snuggle up under blankets in clean pajamas after playing outside in the snow!
And finally, I’m digging this lately! I’ve tried a million versions, and though my favorite BY FAR is , I just can’t spend that kind of money on dry shampoo. Wish I could, but I can’t. With this kind I just spray my hair while it’s up in a bun or something, take a body shower, and then by the time I get out the dry shampoo has dried into my hair. I brush through my whole head and then quickly barrel wrap my hair as usually. Voila! My hair gets annoyingly greasy, but this stuff seems to help me put 2-3 days between washes (wish I could go longer). If you curl your hair, I think this stuff is great because it gives it a thick, workable texture. I’m not sure I would love this stuff if I were wearing my hair straightened.
Side note: I was texting with a girlfriend while writing this post, and she told me that she actually doesn’t like this Pantene kind for her hair, but really likes the kind. Further proof that it typically take a ton of trial and error before finding the dry shampoo that works for your hair!
Let’s chat!
Obvious question – Fave brand of dry shampoo?
Be honest – Do you like playing out in the snow with your kids?!
If you live somewhere in the south, does it annoy you that snow shuts down the city or cancels everything or do you actually enjoy it when it happens?
Hi! I’m Erica, and I absolutely adore sharing my life on this website with you! I come here almost daily to blab about all of the things related to being a regular wife and mother in today’s ever-evolving society. I share about our new home, what’s on our kitchen table, what we’re hanging in our closets, where we’re traveling to next, my crazy 5 a.m. work outs, how I make time for girlfriends, our faith, and much more. We always have a lot of balls in the air and somewhat thrive on the chaos. I believe in the power of story-telling as a form of inspiration and entertainment, so I’m here to do both! I was born and raised in north Alabama and recently re-planted roots here again after my husband transitioned out of the Army (he is now in the Reserve and it’s going so well!) I’m a super proud mom to three little girls (ages 7, 4, and 1) who seem to be the stars of the show around here (for good reason – they’re pretty great!) I’m so glad you found me and are here reading! I hope we can get to know each other here on the blog as well as Facebook and/or Instagram. xoxo