Hello, hello! Hope you’re having a great week so far! We’re flying through June, which has me excited. Almost baby time!
I know my postings have been pretty sporadic recently, so thanks for sticking with me and reading when you can. 🙂
You know the quote “You can do anything, but not everything”? This feels so (!) applicable right now. There’s so many things that I’m enjoying and want to get into right now, but I know that every day I have to just pick a couple and save the rest for another day/week. For example, last night I had friends over a girls night. So much fun, but that meant that I needed to cancel my 5 a.m. workout class for this morning. (I generally always cancel my class if I know I’ll get less than six hours of sleep.) I also didn’t have a blog post up for today, but girls night sure was fun!

Right now I’m writing this post (it’s 10:45 a.m. on Tuesday), but that means that I’m not out at a park or doing “summer things” with my kids. I’ll get in my workout and a summer outing tomorrow, but today is all about playing catch up and laying low at home. I know I can’t do it all, so I just pick a couple of things a day and then try to rest a little bit each day too. 🙂
For today’s post, I have a weekend recap, which includes a little bit from my mother-in-law’s long-weekend visit, some pictures from a baby sprinkle, and finally a great Father’s Day!
My MIL Tonya flew in from Austin Thursday afternoon, so Friday was her first full day with us. She and Sadie had some one-on-one time that morning while Hadley and I spent some time in Huntsville. She has been doing a two-week art class at the Huntsville Museum of Art and loves it! While she was in class, I ran some errands solo, which felt great.
Once we got home, we grabbed Tonya and Sadie and headed out for lunch at Bridgestreet.
My mom was off work, so she joined us too! Jamie also ended up joining us half was through lunch since he’d gotten in his hours for the week and was ready to shut his brain off for the weekend.
After lunch, we enjoyed walking around Bridgestreet and shopping for a few hours. The girls capped off the outing with ice cream from Maggie Moos before we headed home for the day. The sun had zapped us, and since neither girl had rested that afternoon, we opted to get take-out Italian food and had a quiet evening at home.
After the girls were in bed, we watched Always Be My Maybe on Netflix, which was cute and funny. It was a good, mindless movie if you’re looking for something like that!
On Saturday morning Tonya and I headed to the downtown Huntsville area to have brunch at The Lumberyard with some local girlfriends and family members to honor baby Jillian.
Sometimes I’m not the best receiver when others want to go out of their way for me because I don’t like to inconvenience people. It’s a weird thing I know I have to get over, but it’s just one of my quirks. 😉 So when we found out Jillian was a girl, I told my friends to just come to my house after I have the baby and hang with me; I didn’t “need” any gifts anyway. 😉 I didn’t want them doing anything elaborate and spending money on a shower.
But two of my closest friends that I met through church (Erin and Jenna) told me to hush and that we would be doing something small to honor her. We kept the invite list intimate and had a really nice morning! I felt very loved by everyone who came and spoiled me and baby.
I wanted a picture like this with both of Jillian’s grandmothers because I have a similar picture from my baby shower with Hadley six years ago! (Sadie’s sprinkle was a surprise for me in Kansas with dear Army friends.)
And here are my precious friends that put it all together. Do you remember when Teddy injured his back last summer, and Erin (Dr. Brown hehe) was placed so perfectly in our lives as our vet? That’s her on the left, and I met Jenna (on the right) through Erin immediately because she knew we’d click (and we do so effortlessly!) I can’t believe I didn’t even know these girls existed 12 months ago, but now I just couldn’t live without them.
I wish I took more pictures with everyone who came, but at least Erin got this group shot of everyone except a couple. <3
While we were at the sprinkle, Jamie took the girls to a siblings class at the hospital! It was a quick 90 minutes, and they learned all about diapering, bottles, not putting blankets in the baby’s crib, etc. etc. etc. They got to do a short tour of the hospital and worked on a few crafts (including making Jillian a onesie). Jamie said it was adorable and that he’d highly recommend it as a way to involve kiddos in the season of baby prep.
We all rested Saturday afternoon before Jamie headed out for a guys night with my dad and brother David, who was in town to hang with my dad for an early Father’s Day outing.
While the guys were out, I took Tonya and the girls to a new local place called the Stovehouse. It was a gorgeous night, so we hung outside and let the kids play while we relaxed. They aren’t serving dinner quite yet since they’re so new, so we ended the night by grabbing food from the buffet at Whole Foods, eating outside, and heading home to crash.
Sunday | Father’s Day
Neither of us were on the schedule to serve at church Sunday morning, so we “slept in” and had a leisurely morning at home before heading to the 10 a.m. worship service. Hadley “helped” make Daddy a big breakfast!
After church (which was sooooo good and had an incredible Fathers Day message), we headed to Huntsville to find somewhere to eat. Jamie was so on top of it for Mother’s Day and had us reservations, but I guess I’d dropped the ball. 😉 We settled on somewhere that didn’t have a wait (Farm Burger) and ate a quick, but delicious lunch before heading home.
That afternoon was quiet, which was exactly what Jamie wanted! Around 4:30ish, the girls and I headed to my parents house for dinner while Jamie stayed back to spend time with his mom before taking her to the airport. It was a nice night out, so we ate outside and enjoyed relaxing for a couple of hours.
The girls love my parent’s house because there is so much to explore, but it’s on the market and we are all praying hard that they go under contract soon!
Around 6:30 the girls and I met Jamie at church for a Fathers Day event. They catered a big meal for everyone, including steaks for all the dads! The kids went bananas on all of the inflatable while we got loads of hang time with friends. They had giveaways, a rock climbing wall, and a fancy shaved ice truck. The whole night was just so fun.
We got home around 9, did bath time as quick as we could, and everyone was nearly passed out by 10, happy from a really nice weekend and ready for the week ahead. (Except not too ready because apparently I forgot to set my alarm for the next morning, meaning I nearly overslept my Orangetheory class, but high-tailed it there and made it in the nick of time! Oy. Frantic way to start a Monday at 4:40 a.m., but I refuse to pay the $12 no-show fee if I can help it!)
Let’s chat!
How have you celebrated a mom in your life who’s having her second, third, etc. baby? Baby sprinkle? Sip and See? Traditional shower? How did you decide which route to go?
Hi! I’m Erica, and I absolutely adore sharing my life on this website with you! I come here almost daily to blab about all of the things related to being a regular wife and mother in today’s ever-evolving society. I share about our new home, what’s on our kitchen table, what we’re hanging in our closets, where we’re traveling to next, my crazy 5 a.m. work outs, how I make time for girlfriends, our faith, and much more. We always have a lot of balls in the air and somewhat thrive on the chaos. I believe in the power of story-telling as a form of inspiration and entertainment, so I’m here to do both! I was born and raised in north Alabama and recently re-planted roots here again after my husband transitioned out of the Army (he is now in the Reserve and it’s going so well!) I’m a super proud mom to three little girls (ages 7, 4, and 1) who seem to be the stars of the show around here (for good reason – they’re pretty great!) I’m so glad you found me and are here reading! I hope we can get to know each other here on the blog as well as Facebook and/or Instagram. xoxo