I could never call 2011 the best year of my life because Jamie wasn’t around for most of it, but the best things that have ever happened to me all happened this year. Riddle me THAT one!
Though I’m totally blue today about not spending my favorite holiday with Jamie, I’m also aware that I’m closing out a year that has been so incredibly good to me. I remember like it was yesterday sitting in a hotel bed in Oregon writing my “2010 year in review” post while Jamie sat beside me watching bowl games. I had no idea what 2011 had in store for me. I was very unhappy about welcoming 2011 because I knew that it held a deployment, and I just couldn’t see past that. One year later, I have definitely survived and THRIVED in 2011! I’m in no mood to do a long post, but I just want to hit the “highlights”, or rather the things that I would consider the best things to EVER happen to me! I’ll thank myself later; I always do! 🙂
I married the most perfect man on Earth for me, and my sister married the most perfect man on Earth for her. My dad just said two days ago that it was the thrill of his life to marry off his two daughters in one year, and my mom just said an hour ago that she wants a sign that says “I love my sons-in-law!” Our family is richly blessed, and sometimes we forget it when we’re buried beneath “life”, but we know we are.

Jamie and I survived (and kind of enjoyed the madness of) the house-buying process, and I have struggled through and learned how to take care of a house (and yard…) all by myself (not without a little help from my parents and mother-in-law of course!).

We spontaneously adopted Teddy, our three year old “chug”, who I literally cannot imagine my life without. I’ve always grown up with dogs, but I can’t even explain how attached we are to each other! It’s embarassing.

I accepted a job with Rachel’s Challenge, which allowed me to travel all over this country. I discovered gifts and talents that I never in a million years knew I had. I was humbled by the immense challenge of it all, but definitely thrived in the process. I loved who I was when I was on the road doing this job. I love the people that I work with and represent. I’ve tried so many times to explain to Jamie, my friends, and my family just how blessed and humbled I feel to do what I’m doing, see the things I’m seeing, and meet the people I’m meeting. I just can’t find the words.
I traveled to Germany with six days notice and spent 12 days with Jamie. That trip was insane and stressful at times, but Jamie and I have talked many times about how we will remember that trip for the rest of our lives. To reunite in Europe spontaneously after six months apart when we thought we had to wait another two was exhiliarating and emotional to say the least. I matured from that experience, learned how to navigate a foreign country, learned how to take care of my husband and be a wife.

Finally, Jamie’s r&r and being about to celebrate our first Christmas together definitely gets added to this list. It was wonderful. Blog post lata.
There were some very rough days this year, of course. Both my grandmother and my aunt were diagnosed with cancer, though grandma has totally beaten it and my aunt is fighting through the effects of her final round of chemo (GO LYNN!). My dad (and the family) had to deal with the fear of nearly losing his job while he frantically applied to more than 100 others. He nailed the perfect one. The worst days were those that I drowned myself in fear over Jamie’s safety, but I know those days are few now.
I attended seven weddings besides my own: Kelly & Greg Thompson, Jennifer and Josh Alexander, Mary Katherine and Andrew Bartlett, Abbie and Gray Caldwell, Amanda and Jason Serrano, Lauren and Joe Pollard, and Caitlin and Brian Thebaud. WHEW! What a whirlwind. Bring on half a dozen more in 2012. 😉
Couldn’t have survived the year without my parents. I swear you’ve never met two more selfless people than them. Mom will drop anything to make sure she is with me when I’m having a hard time. Dad once drove 2.5 hours to Clarksville on a Wednesday night after work, arriving at 9 pm and leaving at 5 am, because he knew I’d want Teddy back after I got back from Germany.
Truly excited for 2012. Excited for RC trips to Denver, Texas, and Michigan in January. Excited for a girls cruise with mom and Jenn in January. Excited for Jamie’s homecoming ceremony and married life to begin in February. Excited to run the Rock’N’Roll half-marathon with Jamie and my dad in April in Nashville. Excited for all the life that will happen in 2012.
Not going to lie though – I AM hoping it’s a tad bit quieter. 🙂
Quick shout-out to my friends, old and brand spankin’ new, who have been there for me the most this year. Cried with me. Celebrated with me. Traveled with me. Those girls that just genuinely cared this year – thank you! You know who you are and I am so thankful you’re in my life.
Hi! I’m Erica, and I absolutely adore sharing my life on this website with you! I come here almost daily to blab about all of the things related to being a regular wife and mother in today’s ever-evolving society. I share about our new home, what’s on our kitchen table, what we’re hanging in our closets, where we’re traveling to next, my crazy 5 a.m. work outs, how I make time for girlfriends, our faith, and much more. We always have a lot of balls in the air and somewhat thrive on the chaos. I believe in the power of story-telling as a form of inspiration and entertainment, so I’m here to do both! I was born and raised in north Alabama and recently re-planted roots here again after my husband transitioned out of the Army (he is now in the Reserve and it’s going so well!) I’m a super proud mom to three little girls (ages 7, 4, and 1) who seem to be the stars of the show around here (for good reason – they’re pretty great!) I’m so glad you found me and are here reading! I hope we can get to know each other here on the blog as well as Facebook and/or Instagram. xoxo