Hello and Happy Monday! I hope you had a great weekend!
Consider today’s post a weekend recap ON OVERDRIVE because on Saturday I filmed my bi-annual “Day in the Life” post! For this edition I wanted to showcase and document what a Saturday looks like around here with our two little munchkins. Not only is this Sadie’s first “Day in the Life” post, but it’s also Jamie’s first one where he’s around all day (in the past he’s either been at work or deployed.)
I was up at 12:30 and 3:45 a.m. feeding Sadie, but we’ll go ahead and officially start recapping the day when we actually woke up to start the day. 🙂
At 6:15 a.m. I heard Sadie on our baby monitor rustling around, so I slowly got out of bed to get her. Jamie heard me wake up, so he got up too. When we went into her room she appeared to still be asleep, so we figured we’d stay up and have some quiet adult time before the girls woke up shortly. He made a coffee, I made a Spark, and we relaxed on the couch with Teddy watching the news for a good 45 minutes. It was rare and awesome.
At 7:10 we heard Sadie again, so I went it to scoop her up and change her diaper before bringing her out to the living room to feed her.
At 7:45 we heard Hadley talking in her bed, so I handed Sadie to Jamie, grabbed my camera, and went in to get her (she doesn’t like to get out of bed herself.) I took off her pull-up, asked her to use the restroom, we washed her hands, and then we went out into the living room to see Sadie and Jamie.
Check out that epic bedhead! For those of you who are familiar with “Piggy”, check out its condition. 😉
Like almost all of my previous “Day in the Life” posts, Hadley quickly asked for milk, except this time she actually got the milk out of the refrigerator and put it on the counter. She does this frequently and then shouts “I’m STRONG, MOMMY!” I wish I had that recorded because it’s insanely cute.
By 8:30 Sadie was passed out in her swing. She woke up with her first real cold (that she surely caught from Hadley earlier in the week), so we weren’t surprised that she crashed for her morning nap so early.
I fixed Hadley breakfast (a pancake and sliced green apple) and then threw some clothes on to go run.
Teddy is my shadow all day. He climbed in bed while I got changed.
When I came back out to the living room I spotted Jamie with this crown on and obviously had to snap a picture. He plays along with EVERYTHING she wants him to play, and it’s very, very sweet to watch.
Some time after 8 I left to go jog 2.5 miles. I wanted to try and do closer to three, but I added some hills to my route and was totally wiped out by 2.5. The road back after baby #2 has been quite the humbling journey so far.
When I got back home I found Jamie in the kitchen organizing our pen/catch-all drawer with Hadley’s help of course. 🙂 PS – Princess Hadley (as she calls herself) is kind of obsessed with wearing any kind of crown, even this paper one.
Hadley heard me tell Jamie that I was headed back to take a shower, and she quickly sprinted back to our bathroom and started taking her nightgown off. She absolutely LOVES to play in our shower. She usually hangs in there for up to 30 minutes (long after the water turns cold) and plays while I get ready for the day. The only rule is that she’s not allowed to stand up! We figure she causes less havoc in the shower than she does anywhere else in the house, so why not let her play if I’m getting ready in the bathroom anyway?! 😉
After I got dressed and got Hadley out of the shower I blended up some Shakeology for breakfast. The blender goes on its own for 75 seconds, and Hadley waits with baited breath every time she hears it because she knows that I’ll give her some in her own cup. That’s her wrapped in the blanket watching the blender.
By this point it’s around 9:30 and Sadie was awake, so I drank my shake and nursed her for about 15 minutes before she passed out again (as pictured below). Thankfully she only took about a 10 minute catnap and was then ready to get dressed and get going.
By 10 Sadie was awake again, so Jamie got her dressed while I got Hadley dressed. We planned to head out for a couple hours to run around before relaxing the rest of the day at home. We were relishing in the fact that we had a completely commitment-free Saturday.
Jamie then watched both girls while I took five minutes to throw my hair up, brush on some mascara, and get ready to go. I heard Hadley hollering about something in Sadie’s room, so I flipped on the video mode on my phone and found her with her toy bucket on her head wanting attention from Jamie as he changed Sadie’s diaper. She’s a nut!
15 minutes after Jamie dressed Sadie, she had a massive blowout. I’m always thankful when this happens at home and not while we’re out and about! Hello outfit #2!
While I was taking this picture above of Sadie, we heard Hadley sprint to her bathroom. We still have to remind her to go to the bathroom 50% of the time, so we’re always proud (and amused) when we see her run on her own to go. 🙂
The last thing I needed to do before heading out was to nurse Sadie quickly so that she had a full tummy for our outing, so Hadley watched Mickey Mouse while I did so.
Because Hadley didn’t quite pull her shorts down far enough when she went to bathroom, she also needed her shorts changed; I figured I’d better start a load of laundry before heading out the door. Remember how I do a load per day? This is why. We accumulate quite a bit of dirty clothes every single day.
Around 10:30 (I believe) we finally got the girls situated in their car seats and hit the road.
For a while Jamie had been wanting to bring Hadley on campus (K State) to an old stadium where he works out occasionally because he wanted to play soccer with her. She loved it, but we only stayed about 20 minutes because it was way too hot. Even Hadley said “Too hot. All done.”
We’d both been craving a doughnut from Varsity for a while, so we made a pitstop there after playing soccer.
Hadley and I each got a doughnut, but Jamie decided to toss the idea of a doughnut and go with their new lunch option.
That’s a hotdog with mac ‘n cheese and bacon on it. Yup. He loved every bite. 🙂
Hadley requested a blue doughnut before we left, and while I was set on semi-ignoring her and heading to the car, Jamie pulled out his wallet, handed me two bucks, and said to get it for her. He’s such a sucker for his girls. It cracks me up!
We both agreed that she would get it after her nap, but her face below will tell you exactly how she felt about that decision. THAT LIP. She’s had it from the SECOND she was born.
When we got home around noon, I served her some yogurt, water, and a sliced banana before she took her nap. You guys know that this girl eats approximately five things, so that’s why her lunch may not resemble the best lunch. 🙂
While Jamie worked on getting Hadley down for her nap, I unloaded the dishwasher and transferred the clothes from the washer to the dryer. When I finished I glanced over to the sunroom where Sadie was sleeping and noticed she was wide awake and not making a peep. She’s the sweetest baby.
I was in the mood to relax for a bit, so I laid down with Sadie to nurse her and ended up falling asleep with her until around 1:30.
I briefly woke up when Jamie came inside with our most recent Blue Apron box! He unpacked it and then went downstairs to work on a few things and workout.
I got up for good about 30 minutes later but continued to let this angel snooze.
I was hungry for lunch, so I fixed a chicken salad from the leftovers we had in the fridge.
Once I finished lunch, Sadie and I went back to my room to fold the load of clothes I’d washed that morning. In the last couple of weeks she has begun to love her play mat!
When we finished up we went down to the basement to peek on Jamie while he worked out.
When we came back up, I nursed Sadie while working on a little bit of blog-related tasks.
Hadley woke up while I was nursing and working, so I texted Jamie asking if he could come up to help me out with Hadley. He came right up and helped get her up from her nap. For a solid year now she’s woken up grumpy, and Saturday was no exception. We have no idea why she typically wakes up from her nap in such a foul mood, but we just let her do her thing until she’s done fussing.
Jamie got her a snack and then got her ready to take her on a little daddy/daughter outing to our local “bug zoo” over on K State’s campus. He’d been wanting to take her for a couple weeks, and it finally worked out on Saturday. They were gone for a little over an hour, and Hadley loved it! Sadie and I also enjoyed the quiet time. 🙂
Once they got home Jamie and I picked a Blue Apron meal for dinner and I got started on it while Jamie entertained the girls. Cooking with a glass of wine is one of my favorite treats, and luckily I had a little bit of a bottle left to enjoy. 🙂
While I cooked Hadley enjoyed face timing with all four of her grandparents.
Sadie passed out for nap #374 that day. Poor baby’s first cold was getting the best of her!
Dinner was SO good, but we both felt like the portions were a little skimpy.
We have a pretty solid unspoken expectation that whoever cooks gets to relax after dinner while the other cleans up and loads the dishwasher. I love Jamie for always helping with this.
While he cleaned up I headed out back with the girls to do a little bit of work on our trim (the picture below is before I started painting on this particular day). Note: All of those white spots are paper towels shreds from one of Hadley’s snacks, not paint. 🙂 Slow and steady is the name of our game when it comes to painting the trim! Sadie relaxed in her bouncer and Hadley played with her water table. I jammed to some music and enjoying painting for about an hour. Jamie came out to join us after cleaning up the kitchen and catching up with one of his best buds from high school on the phone.
About 7 we started baths. Jamie and I both gave Sadie her bath while Hadley watched a show on her Kindle.
One of Sadie’s happiest times of the day is usually after her bath when she gets to kick and coo on her changing pad, but on this particular night she was quite cranky. I know this infant cry is changing by the day, so I wanted to record it to remember how sweet her little cry was once upon a time.
Once we got Sadie situated with lotion and her jammies, Jamie got started on Hadley’s bath while I worked on some nightly tummy time with Sadie on her changing pad.
After both girls were bathed we all hung in the living room for a little bit watching the Olympic track trials and play a little longer before bed. I think it was around 7:30 at this point.
Sadie started getting fussing again after a few minutes on the blanket with Hadley, so I tried to nurse her and put her to bed but she refused to eat and was uncharacteristically inconsolable. Sadie isn’t a colicy baby, but I gave her some of this that I have on hand incase she was having some tummy trouble. It was recommend to me by a close friend, and I’d recommend it for occasional belly pain.
Jamie proceeded to lay down with Hadley and read to her while I took Sadie out on the front porch to rock while she calmed down. She loves to be outside, so it worked like a charm.
Around 8 we said prayers with Hadley and turned out her light. I then nursed Sadie until she fell asleep and then put her to bed as well. By 8:45 all was quiet in our house. Jamie and I were both pretty hungry since our dinner wasn’t super filling, so we popped a bag of popcorn, watched TV until around 10:30, and then went to bed.
And that’s just another day in the life. 🙂
PS: Click here for my previous four “Day in the Life” posts (and watch Hadley grow!)
Hi! I’m Erica, and I absolutely adore sharing my life on this website with you! I come here almost daily to blab about all of the things related to being a regular wife and mother in today’s ever-evolving society. I share about our new home, what’s on our kitchen table, what we’re hanging in our closets, where we’re traveling to next, my crazy 5 a.m. work outs, how I make time for girlfriends, our faith, and much more. We always have a lot of balls in the air and somewhat thrive on the chaos. I believe in the power of story-telling as a form of inspiration and entertainment, so I’m here to do both! I was born and raised in north Alabama and recently re-planted roots here again after my husband transitioned out of the Army (he is now in the Reserve and it’s going so well!) I’m a super proud mom to three little girls (ages 7, 4, and 1) who seem to be the stars of the show around here (for good reason – they’re pretty great!) I’m so glad you found me and are here reading! I hope we can get to know each other here on the blog as well as Facebook and/or Instagram. xoxo