I cannot believe I just wrote August 24th in the title. How in the world is it already nearly September?! I swear this summer was the fastest of my life.
Anyway! 🙂 I hope you’re having a nice week so far. The last week and a half has been slammed with daily activities (good activities!), but I’d be lying if I said I wasn’t looking forward to closing out the week on a quieter note. I really love and thrive on the hustle and bustle of a full calendar as long as plenty of free days are thrown into the mix as well. Striving for balance is a feat in itself!
Here’s a glance at what we’ve been up to lately.
Early last week we went on post to get our wills updated (super depressing but necessary…), and we figured that taking the girls wouldn’t be an issue because Hadley could watch a movie on her tablet and Sadie would probably continue sleeping after the 25ish minute car ride. Well well well. Hadley’s tablet ended up being dead and then she woke up Sadie out of boredom within the first 10 minutes of the appointment. FAIL. The entire appointment ended up lasting about 90 torturous minutes but probably should have lasted longer since we rushed a few steps to try to get the heck out of there. If you and I had five minutes to talk, I could paint you a pretty epic picture of the absolute comedy show that ensued during our appointment, but I’ll just leave you this picture below of Hadley using my purse straps as swings to catapult her Sheriff Callie figurines.
Watching these beauties grow is so fun! Meg & I love having girls so close in age. They’re one day shy of a month apart. 🙂
I knocked out another Hyvee freezer meal class this month! The class was full with around 20 people, and it took all of us nearly the entire two hours to get these meals assembled. Totally worth it to have our dinnertime simplified though. I’m loving that we have this opportunity here in our small town and highly recommend it if you’re local. 🙂
This sweet sugar is already four months old! I will never stop thanking God for giving Sadie to our family. She has the happiest, sweetest disposition, and I’m brought to tears often by how much I’ve fallen in love with who she is. Though Jamie and I are quite obsessed with her, Hadley wins (hands down) as Sadie’s favorite person. She watches every moves Hadley makes and smiles at her all day, every day. These girls make me feel like the luckiest.
Just for fun, I dressed Sadie in the same outfit that Hadley took her four month pictures in. Hadley’s pictures are on the left and Sadie’s are on the right. I see so many similarities (mainly their eye shapes and noses), but one of them is definitely a bit more plump than the other. 😉
If Hadley eats at least five bites of her dinner, then she’s usually rewarded with a popsicle on the back deck. (You guys know how much we struggle with getting her to eat.) It’s a nice, quiet way to end the day before the girls get their baths and slip into pajamas. Also, God bless Shout stain remover.
Last week a few friends and I got together for a family potluck BBQ at our house, and it was so nice to spend time together with our husbands by our sides this time. Faith (our friend on the right) is moving this weekend and will be sorely missed. Hadley and I will miss her daughter Madison so much too. Do you remember when we threw Faith a surprise baby shower? We barely even knew her then and now I can’t believe it’s time to say goodbye. Saying “see ya later” to close Army friends is one of the hardest parts of the military.
Do you remember my little fitness goal that I shared a couple months ago? One big reason I shared it in a blog post is because I hoped that it would keep me accountable. Since Sadie turned four months old on the 18th, I knew I had to get out and knock out four miles. So far, so good. I’m looking forward to enjoy some cooler fall temps soon during my runs, but wintertime running is one of my least favorite things on the face of the planet, so it’s safe to say I’m dreading those longer runs.
A few days ago I sought advice on my Whimsical September Facebook page about how I should refinish these cabinets: solid white (like I did in the girls’ bathroom but less glossy) or antiqued distressed cream (like I did in the guest bath). The overwhelming opinion was to go with a solid white for a number of legitimate reasons, so that’s what we’re going with! I’m aiming to tackle this beast of a project throughout the month of October. Can’t say that this is a project I’m looking forward to, but I AM incredibly excited to see what an impact it’ll make on our kitchen!
Blogger friends or friends that are simply playing with the idea of starting a blog: I have two resources for you that I HAVE to share because I can’t sing their praises enough! I was fit to be tied with hosting my site on ASmallOrange.com (I am so sorry that my site has been down so much the last four months), and some blogger friends in a Facebook group suggested I try hosting with David over at NewBlogHosting.com. HOLY COW, you guys. Not only did my monthly fees decrease by 80% (!!!!!!), but my site loads faster and isn’t constantly down anymore. David made the process completely painless and had it running properly in less than 48 hours after I inquired about switching. His customer service since then has been impeccable. He responds to emails rapidly and is so attentive to my site’s needs. You can contact David via his site at NewBlogHosting.com. You won’t be sorry!
I also have to brag on my girl Fran from Freeborboleta.com. I had a couple cosmetic adjustments that I wanted done to my site, and for a very low rate she plugged right into my site and got me set up. She designs the most stunning websites, and her customer service is also second to none. Whether you need a few layout issues tweaked or you need an entire site designed, Fran is your girl.
PS: I don’t receive a commission from sales from either of these two resources. I’m just that pleased with both of them and want to see their businesses thrive, because they deserve it for their honest work.
I hope you have a great rest of the day, friends!
Let’s chat!
1.) Do you have any cabinet painting tips to share?!
2.) What are the blogging resources that have helped you tremendously with your site?
3.) Are you into the idea of freezer meals? Would you be interested in giving up your evening to make these kinds of meals at a class?
Hi! I’m Erica, and I absolutely adore sharing my life on this website with you! I come here almost daily to blab about all of the things related to being a regular wife and mother in today’s ever-evolving society. I share about our new home, what’s on our kitchen table, what we’re hanging in our closets, where we’re traveling to next, my crazy 5 a.m. work outs, how I make time for girlfriends, our faith, and much more. We always have a lot of balls in the air and somewhat thrive on the chaos. I believe in the power of story-telling as a form of inspiration and entertainment, so I’m here to do both! I was born and raised in north Alabama and recently re-planted roots here again after my husband transitioned out of the Army (he is now in the Reserve and it’s going so well!) I’m a super proud mom to three little girls (ages 7, 4, and 1) who seem to be the stars of the show around here (for good reason – they’re pretty great!) I’m so glad you found me and are here reading! I hope we can get to know each other here on the blog as well as Facebook and/or Instagram. xoxo