So I just wrote the date in the title of this post and did a triple take at the calendar at the bottom of my computer because how in the world is it already the end of April? I am confident this has been one of the fastest months of my life. I feel like we’ve filled up the last few weeks with everything and nothing at the exact same time. We’ve spent so much time at home, but our “at home” time has been busy busy busy going from one task to the next. Jamie started his job, the girls and I have tried to get out and about most days, and in general we’re settling in just fine here in sweet home Alabama. Life is a-okay. 🙂
Here are a few pics from the last week or so for this “Slice of Life”. xo
Oh, my Hadley girl. She has gotten sassy lately, like, FOR REAL sassy. Her back-talk isn’t funny in the slightest anymore and she acts like we’re speaking Chinese half the time when we ask her to do anything. She sighs loudly with annoyance, makes faces, stomps around, and has acted recently like I’m the biggest pain in the rear in the world. HOLY COW, I am buckling my seatbelt with this one. But at the same time, she’s the best kid in the world, a great listener (even if she gets mad at me and doesn’t want to listen), and generally just the sweetest soul. We’re working on correcting this newfound bad attitude (that I really sense she’s exercising because it’s “new and fun”) with a bit of strict discipline/consequences and a bit of calm talks and redirection, but whew buddy, we’re entering a new season with this 4.5 year old.
Here’s a happy picture of my sweet peas I took to send Jamie at work a few days ago. They have always generally gotten along, but wow… they are attached at the hip lately. They play from sun up to sun down and have a ratio of getting along vs. fighting that’s sitting about 80/20. The playing is adorable and the fighting makes me crazy.
(Now for a story that none of you will care about but I have to document because I NEED to remember their giggles and silliness fo-eva.) They had me dying laughing in the car a couple days ago when out of nowhere Sadie said “booty cake” in this silly little voice. (No clue what she’s talking about.) Hadley has normal potty humor like every kid and thought “booty cake” was hilarious. She laughed so hard, and then Sadie got a rise out of Hadley’s laughter. Sadie must have repeated “booty cake” 100 times while Hadley just erupted in laughter over and over. They are such kids and I LOVE IT!
We got to meet the girls’ new pediatrician the other day and we really like him! I couldn’t even say goodbye to the girls’ pediatrician in Kansas because I knew I would sob (because I’m actually incapable of saying goodbye to people I adore without sobbing, and sobbing about your pediatrician would be RIDICULOUS), so their new doctor has big shoes to fill. (Finding a doctor who you truly trust with your kids is so important!) The girls liked him a lot though, so that’s another checkmark in the box of making this place feel like home once again.
Also, look at Sadie’s hemangioma! It’s really starting to fade and shrink. (insert happy face AND sad face emojis)
On Friday night, my girl Emily (on right) and I jumped in the car and headed to Birmingham for the night! My best friend Ashley turned 30, and her husband Wade invited us to come down to surprise her at her big party. (She didn’t want to invite us herself and “inconvenience” us by making us drive down. She is the sweetest, and the best.) She was so surprised and so happy when we walked in! This is the kind of stuff I have missed for YEARS due to living far away, so heck no was I about to miss this too! Of course we all died laughing that we dressed so similarly. 🙂
Wade did so good at hosting a big party! We were so glad to be there and loved the time we got to spend with Ash. We stayed up laughing our heads off until midnight, which is basically like 3 a.m. to me these days. I was proud of myself, ha!
Earlier this week I ran errands with the girls for five hours, and it just blows my mind that they’ve reached ages where we can finally do that without it being “hard”, if that makes sense. They’re easy in the car, fun to run around with, and so easily entertained by everything we see in the stores. They really do feel like my little girlfriends sometimes!
Ah, last but certainly not least, my best friend Amberlee recommended to me and it’s life-changing!! I used to think that I had all of my gift wrap/bags/tape/etc. pretty organized (i.e. in four different bins), but now it’s all organized in one place and OFF THE FLOOR!
Guess how many gift bags fit in here?! 50! FIFTY! What?! I have no explanation for this insanity. I sat on the floor with 50+ bags in front of me thinking I would fit no more than 10 in this organizer, but they just. kept. fitting. I don’t get it, but I’m not complaining. It’s like Sisterhood of the Traveling Pants or something; they’re just no logical reason for how they all fit, but they totally do. The reviews totally sold me originally, and now I want to tell everybody that they need this thing in their lives!
Want to see what I purposely avoided getting in the frame in the pictures above? All of this chaos to the left. Our office is a disaster zone right now as I attempt to go through a ton of little things that don’t have obvious “homes”. I’d love (love love!) to hear how you organize arts and crafts materials, which is the next home-organization project on my list. That’s a lot of the junk you see laying on the floor. I don’t want to ditch it because it’s good stuff that I know will come in handy when Hadley starts school soon, but I just don’t know how to organize it all and honestly don’t use much of it either.
Hope your week finishes up strong! One more day until Friday. You can do it!
Hi! I’m Erica, and I absolutely adore sharing my life on this website with you! I come here almost daily to blab about all of the things related to being a regular wife and mother in today’s ever-evolving society. I share about our new home, what’s on our kitchen table, what we’re hanging in our closets, where we’re traveling to next, my crazy 5 a.m. work outs, how I make time for girlfriends, our faith, and much more. We always have a lot of balls in the air and somewhat thrive on the chaos. I believe in the power of story-telling as a form of inspiration and entertainment, so I’m here to do both! I was born and raised in north Alabama and recently re-planted roots here again after my husband transitioned out of the Army (he is now in the Reserve and it’s going so well!) I’m a super proud mom to three little girls (ages 7, 4, and 1) who seem to be the stars of the show around here (for good reason – they’re pretty great!) I’m so glad you found me and are here reading! I hope we can get to know each other here on the blog as well as Facebook and/or Instagram. xoxo