As I was wiping down our kitchen eating area after lunch yesterday, I noticed that there was blue marker streaked all over two chairs and an area of the tabletop, but it thankfully wiped right up with no problem. No voice-raising from this mama was necessary. 😉
Jamie was nearby washing the dishes, and I made a remark to him that this is exactly why I wanted our new table to be just like it is: a very simple family table that the “kids can be kids” at without me overly freaking out about every little mess.
The funny thing is, we never intended to get a new kitchen table so quickly. Jamie and my brother-in-law built us a farmhouse table for our last home (the first they’d ever built), and though it was becoming a bit of an eyesore and showing some of its “DIYness”, we knew we had other items for the home we’d like to get before a new table.
I knew exactly what I wanted though when the time came to get a new table.
So a few months ago I was walking around a furniture store one weeknight (taking some “me” time after an exhausting summer day with the girls) with my sights set on window-shopping for a new living room sectional (which we still have yet to get after a little financial set-back with Sir Ted!) I’d walked around 15ish furniture stores in the last two weeks trying to get an idea of what a good deal would look like, and then I saw this table.
And it was exactly what I was looking for, but better: a 54″ round table, a beautiful chunky base, and six very simple non-upholstered chairs that my girls could use and abuse like they inevitably will.
Our kitchen eating area
It also had the most beautiful, but simple detailing around the edges. I didn’t know I’d like a set that looked so “rugged”, but I loved that it already had the natural look of imperfections that would inevitably hide the knicks that will surely come from my children.
Best of all, the whole thing set (table plus six chairs) was less than $750.
Before I started my furniture search, I probably would have gasped at that price, but once I started shopping, I realized that something like what I was looking for (especially with a chunky, heavy, detailed base like this) was going to run me an average of $1,500. Whew, buddy. (This set’s original price was $1,900!)
This set was so much more affordable because it was the floor model at Furniture Row, so they needed it gone.
The salesman told me that he’d throw in the sideboard for another $250, and I actually had to ask him what a sideboard was. Ha! Getting one was nowhere on my radar, but my goodness – I couldn’t get sideboard like this for $250 on Facebook Marketplace! What a steal!
I called the banker at home and got his okay to get the set, and two days later we scooped it up.
And my goodness, do we (yes, we! All four of us!) love it. The round table seems to foster such great whole-table conversation (we often have the other two chairs filled with family or friends – I like to feed people), and generally the look of it just fits our home and our style.
We decided to put away the girls’ “little table” that they previously ate at (it’s now in our family office as their primary art area), and they love sitting at the big table on their placemats.
This sideboard is incredibly heavy and feels so much like an heirloom piece to me. I could definitely see passing it down to the girls one day, if they’d like.

I had no idea how to decorate the wall above the sideboard, but during a spontaneous trip to Home Goods, I found this artwork. I immediately loved how funky but beautiful it was, and I thought the height was perfect for our tall ceilings. We have that gold gallery wall across the room, so I liked the idea of tying in a bit more gold. I initially walked away from it to think about it, but then I saw another girl my age with my parents, and they were hardcore eyeing it as well. They actually picked it up twice and put it back, so I knew they were serious about it. This sounds silly, but this somewhat validated to me that this piece was a winner.
Once I saw them put it back a second time, I snatched it. 😉
Once I hung it up, Jamie immediately asked me why I bought art that looks like snot was running down it. Why I oughtta…
(He’s not wrong. Ha.)
I went with an that was on clearance on Amazon Prime Day, though it’s actually from Wayfair (because everyone was trying to compete with Amazon that week!) I wanted something neutral, and this one fit the bill. The reviews were excellent, which sold me. It’s very thick and heavy, but good Heavens, it stunk like you wouldn’t believe when I unrolled it. I had no idea jute initially smelled so bad! LOL, just a heads up. 😉
The rods in this area were made and gifted by my mother-in-law for my 26th birthday. They were initially for our Kansas home’s sunroom, but for now I love them in the kitchen and living room. The are also recycled from our Kansas home; they were purchased from Amazon.
The only thing I have left in my “dream home book” for this area is to get some kind of faux greenery in that corner by the window. There’s a all the time, and every time I think about getting it, I think about how optional that tree is and how I could totally spend that $60 somewhere else. Something will come up on my radar on clearance one of these days, and when it does, I’ll snatch it!
As for our former kitchen eating area table, we relocated it to our dining room! I want a 10-top table in this space, so we’re talking big, big dollars, sooooo I’ll be waiting on that table set for several years (unless of course I find an unbeatable deal randomly again). For now, this six-top table fills the space wonderfully!
Let’s chat!
What are you patiently (or not so patiently!) waiting to purchase next for your home? Do you enjoy window shopping in the meantime?
Want to see more from our new home?
So far I’ve shared a bit about our front porch…
and our daughters’ bedrooms. 🙂
Hi! I’m Erica, and I absolutely adore sharing my life on this website with you! I come here almost daily to blab about all of the things related to being a regular wife and mother in today’s ever-evolving society. I share about our new home, what’s on our kitchen table, what we’re hanging in our closets, where we’re traveling to next, my crazy 5 a.m. work outs, how I make time for girlfriends, our faith, and much more. We always have a lot of balls in the air and somewhat thrive on the chaos. I believe in the power of story-telling as a form of inspiration and entertainment, so I’m here to do both! I was born and raised in north Alabama and recently re-planted roots here again after my husband transitioned out of the Army (he is now in the Reserve and it’s going so well!) I’m a super proud mom to three little girls (ages 7, 4, and 1) who seem to be the stars of the show around here (for good reason – they’re pretty great!) I’m so glad you found me and are here reading! I hope we can get to know each other here on the blog as well as Facebook and/or Instagram. xoxo