We had a really nice, fairly low-key weekend, which was just what the doctor ordered.
For some reason I found myself totally smoked on Friday afternoon. We’d been having a really good day, but by 4 p.m. I found myself a bit irritable and ready to clock out for the day. To say that I was looking forward to a “boring” Friday night was an understatement. I don’t know what had gotten into me, but I think sometimes mommin’ just zaps ya!
Thank goodness for a ton of leftover chili in the fridge because that’s exactly what we heated up and inhaled for dinner… while sitting on the couch. Because it was just that kind of night I suppose.
But sweet Jamie. He knew I was smoked, so he was very gentle when he reminded me that we’d been talking for a few weeks about taking the girls to our city’s big rival high school football game. He knew the girls would love it. I knew I wouldn’t regret going but that I very well might regret not going, so I pulled my crap together, sent a dumb snap to a few girlfriends, and headed out the door.
And of course we had the best time. We stayed until after halftime, threw our sweaty chicks in the tub as soon as we got home, and crashed by 10 p.m. ourselves. I was super glad we went.
On Saturday morning, we all slept in until 7:15 (miracles do happen) and then semi-quickly got ourselves presentable to go meet my parents and brother for a birthday brunch for my mom at 8:45. My brother drove up from Birmingham late the night prior, so we were all really happy to see him as usual. We had a great breakfast together and then went our separate ways for a few hours. (Mom was off to go do some birthday furniture shopping with my dad! Lucky duck.)
The four of us headed home, and then Jamie and I did some cleaning and straightening up around the house while the girls played well together. Jamie settled in around 11 to watch the Army game, and around the same time I decided I wanted to get out for a bit. One of my dear friends growing up just opened a Clean Juice franchise in Huntsville and had invited me to come down to their grand opening, so I grabbed Hadley and decided to bebop down there!
It was so wonderful to see Jessica, catch up for a bit, and try out Clean Juice!
Hadley was a big, big fan of her smoothie!
After we hugged Jessica goodbye, we ran over to the mall to browse in Pottery Barn. I’ve been window shopping online at a ton of stores for months for new bedding, but I just couldn’t seem to figure out what I wanted. I knew I wanted a Pottery Barn duvet because they’re incredible for a few reasons, but I couldn’t envision what I wanted the rest of the bed to look like.
Long story short, I walked out of the store after 80 minutes of decision-making with everything I needed for our bed and spent about half of what I was expecting!

Instead of buying the duvet insert at Pottery Barn (where you actually need at least two to make them grand and fluffy like the display beds), I bought two inserts from Walmart. The were under $30 a piece, so I bought two and safety-pinned them together at home. The duvet is incredibly fluffy and thick now, and I’m seriously just tickled with the money saved! Walmart for the win!
Our master bedroom is a major work in progress, but this felt like a good start. 🙂
Around 2:30, my parents, brother, and grandmother came over to watch the Alabama game and hang with us. I cut up some veggies, set out some chips and dip, and then ordered pizza at halftime. For dessert, we celebrated with a cute little delicious cake from Publix. 🙂
It was such a gorgeous night, so after the game we spent an hour or so all outside playing with the kids and talking before giving hugs and saying goodnight around 7. The girls got baths and were in bed pretty quickly, and then Jamie and I ended the night watching football in bed, falling asleep before 10.
I have one picture from Sunday: my breakfast (I have been taking pictures of all of my meals lately that I’ll explain more about in a few weeks!) We eased into the day and ate a big breakfast today (pictured here are veggies – cherry tomatoes, red onion, spinach, and garlic – sautéed in EVOO mixed with two eggs) and then got ready to head to church.
After the service, we attended week #2 of our church’s Growth Track, which is a form of a new member’s course. We missed having brunch with friends since we wanted to attend Growth Track, so after the class we headed straight home to eat leftovers and relax. The girls both took good afternoon naps while Jamie and I tag-teamed laundry and then worked on some things separately until they woke up.
The rest of Sunday consisted of some family snuggles in bed watching Netflix, a yummy dinner made by Jamie, and then some coloring before bath time while Jamie and I cleaned up the kitchen and picked up around the house a bit.
I ended the night writing this post while watching Miss America (and also stalking my OrangeTheory app trying to get into the 5 a.m. Monday class. Arg. This is my one major pet peeve about OTF, but it’s all good I suppose. It’s popular for a reason! The workouts rock. And I got in!)
Hope you have a great start to the week, friends!! xo
Hi! I’m Erica, and I absolutely adore sharing my life on this website with you! I come here almost daily to blab about all of the things related to being a regular wife and mother in today’s ever-evolving society. I share about our new home, what’s on our kitchen table, what we’re hanging in our closets, where we’re traveling to next, my crazy 5 a.m. work outs, how I make time for girlfriends, our faith, and much more. We always have a lot of balls in the air and somewhat thrive on the chaos. I believe in the power of story-telling as a form of inspiration and entertainment, so I’m here to do both! I was born and raised in north Alabama and recently re-planted roots here again after my husband transitioned out of the Army (he is now in the Reserve and it’s going so well!) I’m a super proud mom to three little girls (ages 7, 4, and 1) who seem to be the stars of the show around here (for good reason – they’re pretty great!) I’m so glad you found me and are here reading! I hope we can get to know each other here on the blog as well as Facebook and/or Instagram. xoxo