Happy Wednesday to you!
I’m happy to sit down and do a little bit of documenting and share about how things are going this pregnancy, something I haven’t really done much of since the conclusion of my first trimester.

You may remember that I previously shared how difficult weeks 7-12 were. After opening up about how I was struggling, my doctor said that I perfectly described a case of “prenatal depression”, which I really didn’t even know was a thing. It was clinical, uncontrollable, bizarre, and frustrating. I know there is so much that goes on in a woman’s body during that first trimester that is gearing up to rapidly grow an entire person, but I had never been so mentally and physically affected by pregnancy before. I didn’t like it!
But one Sunday morning right around the 12-week mark, I laid in bed and told Jamie that I could physically feel the depression had lifted, like I actually had a chance at the day. How could something so mental actually feel so physical? I felt so good that day, and I vowed that moving forward, I would try my absolute best not to take my good health for granted.
That first trimester gave me a fresh, healthy perspective on a number of things, including immense gratitude for how pleasant the last four-ish months have been. I have never enjoyed pregnancy in the past for a number of reasons, but this time around I’m much happier and not nearly as anxious for this season to be over. While I am daydreaming constantly (!) about seeing and holding her for the first time (gahhhh I can’t wait), I also know that everything will change for our family. So for now, I’m treasuring the simplicity we currently have, and that feels good.
For the last few weeks, my appetite has either been insatiable to the point that I feel like I’m starving out of nowhere, or I feel the complete opposite and have zero appetite to eat anything. I’ve had countless nights where I barely touched dinner because I felt so full, even though I hadn’t had anything to eat since lunchtime. It’s bizarre! My only guess is that maybe this has to do with the baby’s positioning.
Maternity Clothes
Maternity clothes from girlfriends have been an absolute GOD SEND. I focused on buying professional maternity clothes when I was pregnant with Hadley since I was a teacher, and then during my pregnancy with Sadie I needed winter clothes. I bought myself a new pair of denim shorts and a pair of jeans this time around, but otherwise I’ve been wearing 25% of my own maternity clothes and 75% what my girlfriends have shared with me. So grateful! If you have maternity clothes sitting around and a friend who’s preggo, she’ll love you forever if you can help fill her wardrobe with a few new temporary pieces!
Weight Gain
I never like the weight gain part. It’s hard not to be vain about, but I know it’s completely necessary of course. I also know that the weight will come off with a little bit of intentional healthy eating postpartum, so I’ve tried to be mindful of gaining at a healthy pace while also not stressing too much about what that number says.
Insomnia was a real thing during the majority of my pregnancies with Hadley and Sadie, but I haven’t dealt with much of it this time around. I think having Jamie home sleeping beside me has eased my mind a bit. I never used to sleep well when he was deployed anyway, so pregnancy just enhanced that. I’m a belly sleeper, so transitioning to my side isn’t my jam, but it’s all good and I’m sleeping as well as I probably could. I know my days are numbered. 😉
I am more addicted to my morning OTF classes now than I’ve ever been, which is soooo crazy to type and admit because I have never been much of an exercise lover! I’m usually pretty tired at the end of every day that getting in bed by 8:30/9p.m.-ish is super easy, so waking up early is pretty easy. Every completed class makes me feel very empowered. I’m still running well, but the rower is turning into a bit of a joke. LOL. I’m doing better at modifying a good chunk of what we do in the weight room, but honestly just doing movement of any kind feels good. I know this isn’t the time of my life for any crazy PRs, so just doing the best I can (whatever that means each day depending on how I feel) is all I’m committed to.
All of the big stuff for the nursery has either arrived or been ordered, so now we just need to get to work getting it all together. I know she won’t use a nursery at first, but we want to have her room ready to go for her since we have way more time right now to do it than we will after she is here.
I thankfully kept all of Hadley and Sadie’s clothes, so I’ve been washing, hanging, and getting her closet in order. We have a car seat, stroller, a borrowed swing, etc. I have a few very small things I need, like new bottles and a new changing pad, but otherwise we have a good chunk of the necessities. 🙂
Having Jamie around
99% of you know that Jamie was deployed for the entire duration of both of my previous pregnancies, coming home just days before each of the girls’ births. I am embarrassed to admit how often I played victim and threw more pity parties than I could count, but I really didn’t know what I was missing since he’d never been around. But man, this season has been special for us. He loves to feel and watch her move and he is generally so helpful when fatigue randomly sets in and I need to get off my feet. He’s been at the few ultrasounds I’ve had and has attended almost every appointment with me. It feels good to not have to make a zillions plans for if I go into labor at this time or that time. We know he’ll be there, which isn’t a luxury we’ve had before. Takes a good chunk of the mental stress off of this chronic planner’s shoulders!
The big sisters
I’ve said time and time again that their excitement and expectancy has been the best part of this pregnancy. Hadley fully understands (as much as a five year old can) what’s going on and that a little sister is on her way, and she is overjoyed. It’s nearly all she talks about! She hopes to feed her breakfast and dinner every single day and only change the pee diapers. 😉 She has a few nicknames for her that she thinks are just a hoot, and she kisses and hugs my belly so much that it actually drives me a little bonkers. 😉 Sadie shares the same level of excitement, but I honestly think it’s just because she is trying to be like Hadley and is feeding off of Hadley’s energy.
Thanks for humoring me while I got some of this down in writing to share with babe down the road. 🙂
Pros and Cons of Pregnancy While Your Husband is Deployed
Our airport reunion three days before Sadie’s birth
How we knew we were ready to have a baby
Let’s chat!
What elements of pregnancy did/do you really enjoy or not enjoy?
Hi! I’m Erica, and I absolutely adore sharing my life on this website with you! I come here almost daily to blab about all of the things related to being a regular wife and mother in today’s ever-evolving society. I share about our new home, what’s on our kitchen table, what we’re hanging in our closets, where we’re traveling to next, my crazy 5 a.m. work outs, how I make time for girlfriends, our faith, and much more. We always have a lot of balls in the air and somewhat thrive on the chaos. I believe in the power of story-telling as a form of inspiration and entertainment, so I’m here to do both! I was born and raised in north Alabama and recently re-planted roots here again after my husband transitioned out of the Army (he is now in the Reserve and it’s going so well!) I’m a super proud mom to three little girls (ages 7, 4, and 1) who seem to be the stars of the show around here (for good reason – they’re pretty great!) I’m so glad you found me and are here reading! I hope we can get to know each other here on the blog as well as Facebook and/or Instagram. xoxo