How Often Do You Go To Disney? We were bitten by the “Disney bug” really hard after taking Hadley and Sadie to Disney World in March 2017. Jamie and I took them spontaneously when we saw an open long-weekend, and though we hoped we’d have a great time, neither of us expected to enjoy every minute the way we did.
Hadley was just over three years old and Sadie was 11 months, and we both look back on that trip as four of the happiest days we could remember. It kicked into gear a true passion for me to vacation once a year as a family. Our Disney travel agent booked the entire trip, so everything from our lodging to dining reservations to Fast Pass rides, to general downtime to simply walk around the parks and resort was near perfection.
Jamie and I remarked many times during that trip about how incredible it was that nearly every aspect of Disney was enjoyable for parents, a three year old, and an infant. Like, HOW DO THEY EVEN DO THAT?
For example, there is a Frozen sing-a-long at Hollywood Studios that a bunch of you have likely been to. Jamie and I roared at the puns and quick humor that kids wouldn’t pick up on, Hadley loved the music and characters, and baby Sadie loved the falling snow and all of the general sensory things going on. Our whole family simply really enjoyed it (you can see some video clips from it at the bottom of my post!)
We found that was the theme throughout our entire short trip. Everything was enjoyable for everyone, which made it a truly wonderful vacation.
We shelled out a lot of cash for that trip though. I believe it was right at $4k, including three $300 flights from Kansas City to Orlando. We stayed at the cheapest on-site property, had discounted military Park Hopper tickets, and didn’t do any “add ons” like Bippidy Boppity Boutique. Sadie was totally free, so that price was for two adults and a preschooler for four nights. HOLY GEEZ. It about broke us!
But it was the best trip!! I just can’t say that enough, and nobody can take those memories away from us, so that money was so so so well spent.
We wanted to do another Disney trip, and for a number of reasons decided on a cruise this next time. We made the decision in 2018 to travel in 2020. Amongst other things, we are saving saving saving.
I appreciate when others are totally transparent with me, so I see no reason not to be transparent with you that our seven-night cruise mid-November next year in an ocean view room is going to cost us roughly a grand a day (oh my gosh ARE WE CRAZY) from the time we leave our driveway until the time we pull back in. That’s for four adults, two kids ages 3-12, and one 18 month old. That also includes gas to the port, one night in a hotel beforehand, on-board spending (i.e. occassional childcare for Jillian, grown up beverages, tipping, the Boppity Boppity Boutqiue for the girls, etc.)
That does not include any island excursions because we just don’t think we can spend a penny more. A grand per day; Isn’t that insane? When we travel, we like to think of every single thing we will spend money on and make sure we’ve saved accordingly. Oy. It’s hard to stomach that price though! It’ll be a great trip (IT BETTER BE, LOL), but my goodness – Disney makes bank off its customers!
The thing that blows my mind is that people do Disney all the time, who are then bit by the “Disney bug” like we were, and then continue to go back again and again. Yeehaw!
I love Disney. A LOT. Seeing the magic in my kids eyes is everything to me.
But… I also really like Europe and the Caribbean and Gulf Shores, Alabama for crying out loud. 😉
So we’ve decided that Disney is likely going to be an “every four years thing”, meaning that we make some kind of Disney trip our annual family vacation every four years. We went in March of 2017, we’ll go again in November of 2020, and so I guess we’ll then go ahead and mentally shoot to go again in 2024 or ’25.
If we do it this way, our kids (and us) can experience the joy of Disney at various stages of their childhood, or least that’s the thought behind it. Disney is just as fun for a middle school kid as it is a four year old, but obviously just for different reasons!
So… let’s chat! How often do you do Disney?
Are you the type who was bit by the Disney bug and makes going as often as possible a priority?
Have you been to Disney and thought it was overrated?
Are you like us and really enjoy it but also want to see other parts of the world with your family too?
Or would you rather soak up Disney as much as possible with young kids and save overseas and other big trips for when your children are grown?
WEIGH IN! How often do you do Disney? I think it’ll be so neat to read a variety of responses! I’m also posing this question on Instagram and Facebook, so check out the responses there too!
Storytelling about our midnight arrival, Hollywood Studios, Epcot, and Magic Kingdom
PS: Here is our recap video from that 2017 trip. Made me and Jamie both teary when we watched it back this week as I was putting this post together. Worth every penny.
Hi! I’m Erica, and I absolutely adore sharing my life on this website with you! I come here almost daily to blab about all of the things related to being a regular wife and mother in today’s ever-evolving society. I share about our new home, what’s on our kitchen table, what we’re hanging in our closets, where we’re traveling to next, my crazy 5 a.m. work outs, how I make time for girlfriends, our faith, and much more. We always have a lot of balls in the air and somewhat thrive on the chaos. I believe in the power of story-telling as a form of inspiration and entertainment, so I’m here to do both! I was born and raised in north Alabama and recently re-planted roots here again after my husband transitioned out of the Army (he is now in the Reserve and it’s going so well!) I’m a super proud mom to three little girls (ages 7, 4, and 1) who seem to be the stars of the show around here (for good reason – they’re pretty great!) I’m so glad you found me and are here reading! I hope we can get to know each other here on the blog as well as Facebook and/or Instagram. xoxo